DDL Commands & Syntax

If humans are expected to read the DDL then the command is typically written on several lines as shown, one part per line. The query specifies that those rows from the table instructor where the dept_name is History must be retrieved and the name attributes of these rows must be displayed. You want to control the people what part of the house they are allowed to access and kind of access.

Let’s look at how to utilize the CREATE TABLE statement to create tables in SQL in more detail. DDL is a subset of sql and is used to describe data and the relationship. Some of the DDL commands are create, alter, truncate and drop. Data Definition Language deals with the database structure where the data will be stored.

SQL Basics

DDL is a set of SQL commands used to create, modify, and delete database structures but not data. These commands are normally not used by a general user, who should be accessing the database via an application. In the context of SQL, data definition or data description language (DDL) is a syntax for creating and modifying database objects such as tables, indices, and users. DDL statements are similar to a computer programming language for defining data structures, especially database schemas. Common examples of DDL statements include CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. It is used to establish and modify the structure of objects in a database by dealing with descriptions of the database schema.

It is used to make a change in the structure of a database. Different operations like adding new columns, removing columns, changing data types or adding/removing constraints can be performed. DDL is used as an abbreviation for Data Definition Language.

Working with NoSQL and NewSQL Databases

This is useful when modifying the type or the size of the column. So, the first command under DDL is the Create command. The Create command is used to create a new database or a new component in the database, like tables, stored procedures, indexes, etc. The Data Control Language, or DCL for short, is responsible for all sorts of administrative tasks around the database itself.

Data Definition Language

Many data description languages use a declarative syntax to define columns and data types. These statements can be freely mixed with other SQL statements, making the DDL not a separate language. In SQL, the CREATE TABLE statement is used to make a table. A table is made up of rows and columns, as we all know.

The DROP command is used in order to delete objects, like a table, view or index. Thus, once a certain object is destroyed, there would be no way at all to recover it. If we don’t utilize the WHERE clause, all of the rows’ columns will be updated. As a result, the WHERE clause basis sql is utilized to select certain rows. Here,table_name is the name of a table,column1 is the name of the first column, data_type refers to the type of data that will be stored in this column. Size refers to the maximum amount of data that can be stored in a certain column.

Data Definition Language

In this article, we have learned about the Data Definition Language, its concept, its purpose, and a few examples in MySQL. Since it is a common assessment subject, grasping the concept of DDL is essential for excelling in the Information Technology field. When you’re learning SQL – perhaps through LearnSQL.com’s very own comprehensive SQL Basics course – you may have come across the terms DDL, DML, DQL, and DCL.

After going through this blog one can easily play with the SQL commands and interact with their database easily. Using this command, the permissions of John like query or insert on accounts database objects has been removed. Using this command, Alex has been granted permissions on accounts database objects like he can query or insert into accounts.

  • The commands only affect the database structure and not the data.
  • Data Definition Language dates back to the CODASYL database model.
  • The DDL provides facilities to specify such constraints.
  • DDL statements can be used to add constraints, such as primary or foreign keys to tables.

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